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Benefits of Body Stretching for Children

You likely know the importance of stretching and exercise for us adults. Did you know that the same is true for children and that it is a crucial part of their development that can affect them in later life? It can be hard to drag children away from their devices and screens, but this article will discuss some benefits of encouraging them to stretch their bodies. Even if your children are active when they are not studying, there are clear benefits to incorporating some simple stretching exercises into their daily routine.

Bone, Joint and Muscle Health

Children must keep their bodies mobile and supple from a young age, mainly when they are still growing. When they are at school or home-schooled, they are sitting for most of the day or doing their homework in the evening, which can lead to hunched shoulders, tighter hamstrings and back pain. They don't need to do much – they can do a few shoulder and head rolls and roll downs to help ensure their mobility and posture are healthy.


Children are known to have a lot of almost limitless energy, and sometimes, when they participate in vigorous activities and exercise, it can leave them with more energy than they started with. Incorporating stretching and mobility-focused exercises and movements into their daily workouts or before and after their activities can help them have a more restful and calmer attitude. As is the case with adults, stretching their bodies out after sports or other activities helps slow them down and help them be mindful and present, which can also help them with their mental and emotional health.

Healthy Breathing

Did you know there is a theorised condition known as "desk apnoea" when we subconsciously hold our breaths when sitting at our devices and working? Around 80% of the population is said to suffer from this, and it can lead to severe effects like low mood, stress and sleepiness. These are genuine problems that can affect growing children, especially during the hormonal upheaval of their teenage years.

You can combat this form of fatigue by encouraging them to get from behind their desks or off the sofa and swing their arms around, taking a series of deep breaths while also stretching their legs to help the oxygen circulate through their bodies. This can regulate their breathing and provide them with the energy they need to focus and concentrate when they sit back down to carry on with their school work, homework or whatever they are doing.

Although stretching may not seem like a lot, it is an essential tool for helping to ensure your children are as healthy as they can be. They don't have to spend very long doing it every day to benefit from it. You could encourage them to stretch more by doing it with them. This could help alleviate any nerves or embarrassment they may feel doing what may look like strange movements and allow you to spend some quality time with them away from their homework and schoolwork.

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